
This page allows you to download for free the AIA/ASD S5000F, International specification for in-service data feedback.

S5000F intermediate release (compatible with S-Series 2021 block release)

S5000F, International specification for in-service data feedback , Issue 3.1, April 2023

IMPORTANT: Due to its size, many browsers will not be able to handle the file and will report it as corrupted if trying to open it online. This will also occur if you do not have a high-speed line or there is a significant lag in your network. The link will try to download it to your computer. If this does not work, right-click on the link and select “Save link as…” to download it onto your computer.

S5000F Issue 3.1 XML Schema 001-00, April 2023 (ZIP, 229 kB). (Minor patch)

S5000F Issue 3.1 UML model, April 2023 (Zipped EAP, 2.8 MB) – ONLINE version

S-Series 2021 block release:

S5000F, International specification for in-service data feedback , Issue 3.0, April 2021 (PDF, 30.34 Mbytes)– Also published in book format in two parts with ISBN 978-84-19125-27-9 (Part 1) and ISBN 978-84-19125-28-6 (Part 2); available on Amazon, Barns&Noble, BooksAMillion, Bookshop and other book stores.

IMPORTANT: Due to its size, many browsers will not be able to handle the file and will report it as corrupted if trying to open it online. This will also occur if you do not have a high-speed line or there is a significant lag in your network. The link will try to download it to your computer. If this does not work, right-click on the link and select “Save link as…” to download it onto your computer.

S5000F Issue 3.0 XML Schema 002-00, December 2021 (ZIP, 174 kB). (Minor patch)

S5000F Issue 3.0 UML model, April 2021 (EAP, 17.5 MB) – ONLINE version

S5000F Issue 3.0 Mapping of UoFs and classes to Use Cases (Info only) (Excel, 183 kB)

Comments to this specification can be raised through the common S-Series IPS specifications commenting tool.

Old specification versions:

Issue 2.0

S5000F Issue 2.0, dated December 2019 (PDF, 17.3 Mbytes)

S5000F Issue 2.0 data model, Issue 002 (Enterprise Architect format, 7.6 Mbytes). Patch, refer to UoF at root for changes.

S5000F Issue 2.0 XSD files, issue 002 (XSD format, zipped, 121 kBytes). Patch, due to data model patch and new S-Series authoring rules.

Issue 1.0

S5000F Issue 1.0 dated September 2016 (PDF, 17.4 Mbytes)

S5000F Issue 1.0, data model file (Enterprise Architect format, 5.31 Mbytes)

Note: it is recommended that new projects use specification Issue 3.0, as this will be compatible with all remaining S-Series specifications and future block releases.

Auxiliary files for old specifications (info only):